Are You Sitting on the Sidelines?

body acceptance body love body positivity Apr 04, 2024
a person sitting in a yoga pose in front of a wall with a lotus symbol on it

Hello, everyone! It's Emma Walkinshaw here, and today I'm opening up about a deeply personal aspect of my journey—one that I believe echoes the experiences of many. It's a tale of battling with self-esteem, a path fraught with challenges but illuminated by moments of profound enlightenment.

Prefer to listen? This blog is also available on my Celebrate a Sister Podcast!

The Struggle with Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is more than just feeling good about ourselves; it's the bedrock of believing in our worth and abilities. For too long, my confidence wavered, undermined by a relentless internal critic I've come to know as the "itty bitty shitty committee." Among this chorus of doubt was a particularly persuasive voice, "Little Miss Sit on the Sidelines," embodying my deepest insecurities, steeped in diet culture and unrealistic beauty standards.

This persona guided my life choices, convincing me to fade into the background, to eschew opportunities for growth and joy because I believed I didn't fit the mold deemed acceptable by society. From career advancements to personal relationships, Little Miss Sit on the Sidelines was a constant barrier to experiencing life fully.

A Moment of Regret and Realization

One of my most poignant regrets—a missed opportunity to waterski—serves as a stark reminder of what we lose when fear dictates our actions. Opting out of this adventure wasn't just about missing out on fun; it symbolized a broader pattern of letting life's possibilities slip by, unseized.

Confronting the Voices

Addressing and overcoming these internal narratives has been neither swift nor simple. It's involved a deliberate process of acknowledging these voices without allowing them to define me. By sharing my fears, embracing vulnerability, and engaging in practices that challenge these limiting beliefs, I've gradually shifted my mindset.

A Universal Journey

This journey toward bolstered self-esteem is not mine alone; it's a road many of us travel. It's about dismantling the standards we've been conditioned to measure ourselves against and embracing the unique beauty and worth each of us possesses. My mission has evolved to challenge the damaging beliefs that constrain us, particularly around body acceptance.

The Power of Representation

Through my experiences and connections, I've witnessed the transformative power of seeing diverse representations of success, beauty, and joy. It's essential to challenge our own "Little Miss Sit on the Sidelines," to celebrate our achievements, and to transcend the beliefs that no longer serve us.

Stepping into the Game of Life

I invite you to journey with me from the sidelines to the heart of your own life. Let's identify and confront the voices that hold us back, embracing our true worth and stepping boldly into the opportunities that await us. It's never too late to redefine our paths, to live authentically, and to pursue joy with every fiber of our being.

Thank you for sharing this space with me. Together, let's support one another in recognizing our strength, affirming our value, and living beyond the confines of doubt and fear.


Emma Walkinshaw

Hey sister! Are you a driven woman, full of ideas and ambition, yet you find yourself at the starting line, hesitant and unsure? As the days pass, your dreams and aspirations seem to wait just out of reach?

It's time to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Let's unlock the power within you to transform hesitation into action, doubts into confidence, and dreams into reality. Your journey towards empowerment, clarity, and success is unique, and it deserves personalized guidance and support.

Donโ€™t let another day pass watching from the sidelines. Step into your power!

Book a 1:1 Coaching Call with Me!

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