Celebrating Sisterhood: Unraveling the Truths Behind Beauty Myths

Apr 04, 2024
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Hello, beautiful souls! I’m Emma Walkinshaw, and today, I’m here to share something deeply personal and profound. This week’s reflection, which I lovingly call "Life According to Emma Moments," aims to peel back the layers of the lies we’ve been told—and often sold—about beauty and health standards.

Prefer to listen? This blog post is also available on my Celebrate a Sister Podcast

Listen here:

The Lies We're Told and Sold

Our journey begins with the gentle nudges towards conforming to beauty standards and health claims that, more often than not, come with a hefty price tag. From gyms that sell not just memberships but ideals of what fitness looks like to the beauty industry pushing us towards achieving the often unattainable, it's a world rife with fabrications.

The Gym Membership and the Promise of Youth

In Brisbane, a friend's quest for connection led her to a gym where a personal trainer’s claims about her biological age left her disempowered. This was a wake-up call to question the narratives fed to us and to seek truth and health guidance from more credible sources than those who stand to profit from our insecurities.

The Elusive Thigh Gap

Another friend's pursuit of the "thigh gap" through costly body contouring treatments speaks volumes about the unrealistic standards set before us. It's a stark reminder of the gaps in our self-acceptance and the skewed perceptions of beauty peddled by the industry.

The Quick Fix Culture

Our discussion extends to the pressures of adhering to fleeting beauty trends, such as injectables for a tired appearance, spotlighting the industry's persuasive power and the erosion of our autonomy. These narratives often prioritize altering our appearance over addressing the underlying causes, such as the need for rest or self-care.

The Body Love Revolution Online Summit

Fueled by these insights and numerous meaningful discussions, I'm thrilled to share that the Body LOVE Revolution Online Summit was a remarkable success this February. We brought together voices that defied conventional norms, encouraging us to embrace beauty on our own terms and to heed the inner wisdom that understands what truly makes us feel vibrant and full of life.

Trust Yourself, Question Everything

This journey of questioning and self-discovery is not a solitary one. I invite you to join me in getting curious about the narratives we’ve been sold. It’s time to craft our own stories, trust our intuition, and set personal beauty standards that resonate with our true selves. Whether it’s embracing the grace of going gray or celebrating our unique beauty, let’s make empowered choices that affirm our worth.

Remember, you are enough, just as you are. Together, let's reclaim our power, one truth at a time. Thank you for joining me in this exploration and for choosing to celebrate the beauty of being uniquely you.


Emma Walkinshaw


Ps. The Body Love Revolution Online Summit is now available on Youtube!

Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Q4NgIA7yZum6RRL9rc_tXkrQ5nLIBbe

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