Finding Clarity in 21 Minutes: Overcoming the Voices of Doubt

Apr 04, 2024
a person is sitting on a white couch in a prayer hands pose

Hello, everyone! I'm Emma Walkinshaw, and today I'm excited to share with you something deeply personal—a chapter of my life that has significantly shaped my approach to each day and has the potential to resonate with many of you. This week's celebration marks almost two years of an incredibly committed and consistent morning practice that has truly transformed my life.

Prefer to listen? This blog is also available on my Celebrate a Sister Podcast! Listen here:


The Origin of 21 Minutes of Morning Magic

Reflecting on a time when my mornings began with a dive into digital chaos, leading to stress and overwhelm before my day had truly started, I realized a change was crucial. This realization led me to ask, "What's holding me back from a fulfilling morning practice?" Time seemed to be the barrier.

Crafting the Perfect Morning Blend

To tackle this, I designed a structured yet simple morning ritual: 7 minutes of yoga to awaken the body, 7 minutes of meditation to center the mind, and 7 minutes of journaling to connect with my inner self. This 21-minute routine aimed to start my day with intention, peace, and a sense of personal alignment.

The Power of Community

Understanding my love for connection and the strength found in community, I knew that sharing this practice with a group of women would not only keep me accountable but also enhance the experience with mutual support and shared energy. Thus, a virtual circle was born, creating a space for us to gather, grow, and support each other in our personal journeys.

The Journey and the Guidebook

What began as an individual quest to reclaim my mornings evolved into a shared adventure with countless women, all seeking the same sense of clarity and calm. Inspired by this collective experience, I compiled our insights into "365 Days of Morning Magic," a guidebook designed to inspire and support anyone looking to transform their morning routine and, by extension, their life.

Overcoming Barriers and Embracing Growth

This journey taught me to confront and overcome common excuses such as "I don't have time" or "I can't meditate." By simplifying the practice into manageable segments, I discovered that dedicating time to ourselves is possible when we make it a priority.

An Invitation to Join the Magic

I warmly invite you to explore the transformative potential of dedicating 21 minutes each morning to yourself. Whether you aim to set positive intentions, deepen your connection with your inner wisdom, or simply begin your day on an uplifting note, this practice is a gateway to personal growth and fulfillment.

Join the Movement

If the idea of incorporating a bit of magic into your mornings intrigues you, and you're curious about the guidebook that emerged from this journey, I encourage you to delve deeper. Here are the Links to the 21 Minutes of Morning Magic Fb Group:

365 days of Morning Magic ebook:

Thank you for allowing me to share this piece of my heart with you. Let's redefine our mornings and embrace each day with intention, joy, and a little bit of magic, one day at a time.



Emma Walkinshaw


Hey sister! Are you a driven woman, full of ideas and ambition, yet you find yourself at the starting line, hesitant and unsure? As the days pass, your dreams and aspirations seem to wait just out of reach?

It's time to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Let's unlock the power within you to transform hesitation into action, doubts into confidence, and dreams into reality. Your journey towards empowerment, clarity, and success is unique, and it deserves personalized guidance and support.

Don’t let another day pass watching from the sidelines. Step into your power!

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