Change the way you end your day & move through your week

It's your time to unwind, self-nurture, and seal your day by letting go, and finding your center with peace and calm. Join me for a week of nurturing practice.

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Enjoy a Calmer Mind and Better Sleep

Night-time Nuture is a wonderful week long course that encourages you to build a healthy habit of yoga, meditation and flowetry ( journaling). I will guide you through each practice and help you center yourself. At the end of the day, you have an opportunity to reflect and give thanks for what went well and what didn’t. It’s an opportunity to stop unwanted momentum and focus on a fresh perspective. It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day just around the corner. Yes, we get another chance tomorrow to be our beautiful gifted unique selves. Let’s go for it together! Leave no stone unturned. You’re worth it <3 

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What are the Benefit of 21 Minutes of Night-time  Nurture?

  • It helps end your day with intention & meaning
  • It give you time to meet your own needs 
  • It creates a space to get centered and encourages clarity

What's Apart of the Course?

21 Minutes of Magic

Seven recorded videos that guide you through the 21-minute practice. 7-minutes of yoga, 7 minutes of meditation and 7 Minutes of Flowetry.

Private Facebook Community 

Join the private Facebook Community to join in the morning practice and share your journey with us. 

E Book

Print and use your copy of the E-Book for your own sessions and to follow along with the course!


Kind Words from Successful Dream Seekers


"There are times in our life, when we just need that little extra something, a spark of confirmation. I can tell you among all the laughs, the tears, the “A-Ha” moments, there is something in it for everyoneSince completing the Creative Insight journey, my life now has more than just that little spark, more than just that little something and definitely a whole lot of confirmation that I have the right to believe in myself, trust myself and rightfully love myself unconditionally with all of my heart.



Emma is a breath of fresh air, authentic and passionate about creating a better YOU. Any time spent with her is fruitful and uplifting. What you see is what you get with Emma. She is many wonderful and inspiring things but most of all to me is that she is relatable

Hello, I'm Emma Walkinshaw

I am a Women's Mentor, yoga teacher and Coach of the "Clarity Catalyst". Empowering women through transformation to live their best life. 
Sharing tools that will decrease stress and build confidence and self esteem. The tools are designed so they  can used the very next day.  Igniting passion & purpose and finding the inner spark that keeps moving you towards your desires. 

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Our 21 Magical Minutes will include:

7 minutes of blissful yoga

A  gentle yoga practice to relieve tension in the body and awaken the spin. Lifting the energy and awakening the body in a supported flow. All levels are welcome and can make adjustments if needed. Please have a yoga mat, pillow and small blanket to make yourself comfortable.

7 minutes of meditation and intention setting

A guided meditation with a focus or an intention or a simple phrase or movement to quiet the mind and find stillness. This is for all levels, if you have never meditated before or if you have been practicing for years.  

7 minutes of flowtery

Flowetry is a beautiful practice that allows you to put pen to paper without any rules or expectations in the hope that creative words will gently flow.

Let the Magic Begin! 

If you want to change you must shake up what you're doing!

 It's as easy as starting your day with 21 Minutes of focus and intent. You will have a new found sense of clarity with less stress. 21 minutes of soothing your nervous system first thing in the morning and at the end of your day does wonders for your soul.

Fill your cup with gratitude, ground your day, and elevate your levels of self-confidence, self-love, and joy. Be sure to bring a yoga mat, a cushion, a pen, a journal, a cup of herbal tea and an open heart.